Professionals in Learning Disabilities and Special Education
Dr. Janet Lerner Seminar:
Illinois Premier Viewing of the
"Normal Isn't Real: Succeeding with Learning Disabilities and ADHD"
Panel Discussion with:
Richard Bograd, Social Worker and Professional Educational Therapist
Livio Bolzon, Entrepreneur
Catrina Hays, Learning Specialist
Dr. Lisa Novak, Psychologist
Dr. Miriam Pike, Head of School, Wolcott School
Saturday, January 11, 2020
8:30 AM - 1 PM
McCracken Middle School
8000 East Prairie Road
Skokie, IL 60076
Continental Breakfast and Lunch provided.
Normal Isn't Real is a new documentary film featuring four successful young adults sharing their stories of meeting the challenges of their LD and ADHD issues. These candid portraits take the viewer into the subjects' daily lives, showcasing their talents, venting their frustrations, and employing strategies to manage their challenges and utilize their strengths.
The "experts" in the film are the subjects themselves. Told in their own words, and in the words of those who know them well, their stories affirm the research that there is no "one size fits all" formula for success. The challenges of navigating learning disabilities and ADHD are considerable, but so are the talents and capabilities of people with these challenges.
Middle and high school students are welcomed with a parent, guardian, or teacher. Must be registered to attend.
If inclement weather necessitates cancelling this seminar, you will receive an email about the cancellation. Please check your email in advance of the seminar.
Attendees will receive 3.0 CPDUs through Northeastern Illinois University for this program.
DISCLAIMER: Professionals in Learning Disabilities and Special Education is a not-for-profit organization offering continuing education programs to inform members of current instructional practices, assessment, and policy issues in the field of learning disabilities. PLD/SE also offers a referral service to the community, providing qualified professionals for diagnostics and remediation. PLD/SE provides programs as a service to its members. PLD/SE does not endorse any specific program, speaker, instructional materials, method, treatment, or evaluation center for children with disabilities.