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  • Volunteer at Bernie's

Volunteer at Bernie's

  • Tuesday, June 28, 2016
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • 917 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff


Come join our fellow PLDSE members on 

Tuesday, June 28th 1:00-3:00 pm 

for our 

2016 summer service project volunteering at Bernie’s Book Bank


Bernie’s Books collects, processes and distributes new and used children’s books to at–risk pre-school and school age children throughout Chicagoland. As volunteers, we will sort, sticker and bag books and have lots of fun doing it.  

Bernie’s Books has moved and is now located at 917 North Shore Drive, Lake Bluff. Their new facilities are updated and air conditioned.


  Please email us (asap!) at to let us know you can join us.

Donations of children's books (birth-6th grade) are always appreciated.



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P.O. Box 911

Glenview, IL 60025

Professionals in Learning Disabilities and Special Education is a not-for-profit organization offering continuing education programs to inform members of current instructional practices, assessment, and policy issues in the field of learning disabilities.  PLD/SE also offers a referral service to the community, providing qualified professionals for diagnostics and remediation.  PLD/SE provides programs as a service to its members.  PLD/SE does not endorse any specific program, speaker, instructional materials, method, treatment, or evaluation center for children with disabilities.  

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